I fell in love with this blazer as soon as I saw it! I'm an absolute sucker for monochrome and completely over the moon that its so on trend this spring! I tried to keep the outfit quite neutral, making the blazer the statement piece of the look - as it so rightly should be!
So a little update of what's been happening with me! Jack and I are in our new little home now and we're very happy! It was an intense few days of continual packing and unpacking as I finally picked up and left home - for the last time may I add! We've been craving having our own space again for such a long while now, so its great to be finally standing on our own two feet again!
Anyway, now that I'm settling in, I'll make sure I can still enlist Jack's photographic skills for more outfit posts, as I'm really enjoying this new style of post - even if I do say so myself haha!